The Power Behind Success and Failure

5 min readAug 25, 2021
Tiny Changes, Remarkable Results
Tiny Changes, Remarkable Results

Reading different books all the time will undoubtedly add different perspectives to our lives, but there are some books that leave different effects every time we read them.

We often believe that when we want to make big changes in our lives, we need big signs, but have you ever thought about if small daily routines can lead to big changes?

Success is the product of daily habits, not of once-in-a-lifetime transformations.

James Clear focuses on 4 essential titles from this book on how we get rid of bad habits and how we acquire permanent good habits for a healthier and happy life.

Habits are compounent interest of self improvment

%1 Better 😌

The combination can have both good and bad effects. By being 1% better every day than the previous day, you can be 37 times stronger than yourself at the end of the year, but if you perform 1% worse than your current situation every day, you will get very close to the zero point here, he explains that.

Honestly, this is incredibly difficult to achieve. After a certain period of time, people feel that not much has changed in their life because it takes a long time to see the effects of these changes.

Another point being stuck is the subject mentioned here, in fact, we all believe that we will constantly develop ourselves in a linear direction and we reveal such habits, but unfortunately this is not always the case.

Most of the time the time gap is nothing more than a margin between success and defeat. If we write a small equation, the results of a habit will be the product of what you want and that habit. If it is a good habit, the gain will increase, if it is a bad habit, the loss will increase.

2. Ignore Goals Focus on Systems 🎯

Suppose you set a goal, you will read 20 new books by the end of the year. You will spend a lot of effort to reach this goal and you will think that you have gained a new habit, then let’s say you reach your goal. In the new year after that, you actually have nothing else to do and you actually feel empty. Here we learn how valuable it is to establish a system rather than reaching a goal. If we are really going to set a goal, it should not be as expressed in numbers, the goal should be to be a good reader. Here again, James Clear tell about 4 different sub-topics.

2.1 Winners and Losers have the same goals

Every Olympic competitor wants a gold medal. Every candidate wants to have a job. It doesn’t make any difference between people.

If you spend too much time thinking about your goals and not enough time setting up your systems, a handful of problems arise.

2.2 Reaching a goal is only effect that moment.

If we reach a goal by tidying our room, we can have very good feelings for a moment, but if our system is broken, if we make that room messy again, is there really a need to reach such a goal?

2.3 Reacing goal is preventing to be happinies

I set a goal and I am unhappy until I reach it. I do everything I can. I feel happy when I achieve it. How long am I still unhappy until the next milestone, I am still unhappy?

2.4 Goals do not pair with long-term works

Setting a goal can take you far from building a system in the long run.

To become the best version of yourself, you must regularly review your beliefs.

3. A Habit Becomes Part of Our Identity 🚩

If you want to gain a habit, you have to make it visible and easy. If you want to gain the habit of reading books, first of all, you need to move closest the books to yourself. then you can set the right time for yourself if you want to make it a good habit for yourself to read a book before going to bed in the evening, make your bed after getting up in the morning and place the book you want to read on your pillow, so when you go to bed to sleep, you will see that book and make this habit visible to you. This is just an example you can make habits visible in this and similar ways you can build your own habit tree.

4.How to Gain Good Habits 🧐

What do we need to build an effective habit and how to get rid of a bad habit In this section I mention about that.

4.1 Make it visible

Things that are always on your mind can give you a clue, for example, if you need to make a habit of taking some of your vitamins and you need to take these vitamins right after a meal, it may be a logical approach to put these vitamins on the dinner table.

4.2 Make it attractive

To gain a habit, it must be attractive, to lose it, it must be repulsive. We must make our habits attractive because it is the expectation created by rewarding experience that motivates us to take action in the first place. In order to achieve this more easily, you can add it to the back of a habit you have already made, so you will have made a beautiful habit chain. For example, if you have a habit of staying at 06:00 in the morning and you want to walking in the morning, you can line up these two habits in order to get the habit of going for a walk right after waking up, so you can make a nice chain.

4.3 Make it easy

If we continue with the walking example, prepare your shoes the day before, put your bag right next to the door, choose the podcast music or any audio book you will listen to that day, this will both lighten the work and make the habit stronger.

4.4 Make it satisfying

Give yourself rewards as you progress in some habits, but don’t forget to punish yourself as you progress in some bad habits. You can find many good examples of this in the book. You can get help from a friend about punishment and reward here, For example, you can say to a friend that in a month, if I don’t go for a morning walk for more than 5 days, I will buy you a gift. In the same way, when you reach your goal, you can buy the latest model iphone you want so much.


As a result, I told about a great book that remains a life lesson to me, if you’ve read it too, it would be great if you could share your views with me

That’s it for now, see you in my next article.

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